Hope & Healing for America’s Sex Trafficked Children
New Day for Children is a nationally recognized faith based charity 501-(c)3 that seeks to restore the stolen childhood of recovered sexually trafficked children. We raise and provide financial support for restorative care, providing a safe and secure living environment, school tuition, therapy, medical, dental and vision care, equine therapy, and other essential needs.
New Day for Children collaborates with vetted programs that provide residential treatment for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) and youth.
The Global Slavery Index, published in 2018 with an update coming in 2022, puts the number of people enslaved today at 40.3 million. Modern slavery takes the form of forced labor, forced soldiering, forced marriage, and commercial sexual exploitation of adults and children. The United States is part of this global fabric of human exploitation.

“If it weren’t for New Day, I wouldn’t be alive today.”
— New Day supported girl
New Day for Children is truly a community based, grassroots endeavor. We rely on grants and donations from churches, civic groups and kindhearted individuals like you. We also have volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Make a donation.
National Human Trafficking Hotline (888)373-7888
*NDC is a national organization supporting recovered kids across America through long term restorative care programs located in California, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana , and coming soon to Tennessee.