Quietly Determined
In August of 2023, “Tanya” arrived quiet and unexpressive…but knew she wanted something different in life and seized the opportunity to make this happen. Within days of arriving at her New Day for Children partner-program, she requested to be tutored in school…a few weeks later, “Tanya” asked if she could have additional tutoring sessions every week. “Tanya” is an excellent and determined student who worked hard to learn and glean all she could from her studies. Within a year, she passed her high school equivalency exams with flying colors and enrolled in junior college while still in her program. Today, “Tanya” is studying to become a nurse, lives in transitional housing, and still takes FULL advantage of tutoring from New Day for Children.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ”
“Tanya” is an exceptional girl that used her passion as motivation. I was blessed to watch her grow and see her dedication for her future. I'm so incredibly proud of her. When she first came to me for tutoring, she was ready to complete the hard schoolwork and get cracking on her college work. College education is a lot different and harder than what she was used to, but that didn't stop her or even slow her down. She showed up every session determined and ready to do her absolute best. She is going to go on to do amazing things in her future - dedication like hers is a rarity.
- NDC Tutor, Hayley