There are so many fun ways to bring friends and family together to make a meaningful impact. Together, you can raise awareness and FUNds to help reach more children in need. Let your imagination lead you—have fun, and remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way!
Host a tournament
Pickleball, 5K, Dodgeball, Basketball, Football….
Everyone loves a friendly competition! Host a tournament and charge each participant/team an entry fee with a portion of the proceeds going to provide recovered children the restorative care they need for hope and healing. We are here to help and support you as needed. It could be a simple tournament or include a raffle, snack bar, t-shirts, trophies and more! Sure to be a great time for a Greater Purpose.
Please contact moreinfo@newdayforchildren.com for more information.
FUNdraise with friends and family
There are so many FUN ways to RAISE money. Ask others to join you in your efforts and not only will it double the fun but likely the results & impact as well! Let us know how we can help you be successful.
Some fun ideas include;
Garage/Rummage Sale
Bake Sale
Change for Change Coin collection
Car Wash
Sky’s the limit!
Please contact moreinfo@newdayforchildren.com for more information.
Volunteer your services or time
Your time is a precious gift, and we are deeply grateful for any you choose to share with us through volunteering. Whether it’s assisting with mailings, gathering auction items for our annual Night of Hope Dinner Auction, or offering a professional skill, talent, or service, your support makes an impact. We warmly welcome volunteers and truly appreciate your generous donation of time and effort.
Please contact moreinfo@newdayforchildren.com for more information.
More fun ideas from friends of New Day for Children
Main Street Coffee House in Texas hosted an awareness event and donated a portion of their sales raising $1,000 in a week for NDC supported children.