Meet Our Inspirational Gala Speakers


Lexie Smith is a survivor of child exploitation, and has grown up to become a powerful advocate for victims of violent crime. She has resourced organizations that serve survivors for over a decade, from grassroots to national organizations like Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Homeland Secuirty Investigations (HSI) and more. She received a degree in psychology from Lee University, and lends her knowledge in neuropsychology to professionals on the front lines wanting to provide trauma informed care. Her inspirational healing journey crosses the country, as many survivors look to her with hope for what their lives could become. She now resides peacefully in Denver, Colorado with her rescue dog, where they enjoy alpine hiking, camping, and creating as much joy as they possibly can.



Mason Gizard's mother was sexually exploited, and Mason and his siblings suffered the trauma of growing up in those circumstances. Today, He is a speaker, a social entrepreneur, and author of two books, Dad in a Day: When My Mom’s Kids Became My Own and Discover Life Beyond Crisis: A Guide for Overcomers. Mason works with at-risk youth, youth experiencing homelessness, and is a foster parent of two boys. He is the Director of Community Programs at Sacramento Youth Center, providing mental and behavioral health services to youth 14-24. Mason also owns Uptown Grounds Coffee and Chai, a café that serves Old North Sacramento and functions as a job training program that trains youth as baristas and teaches culinary skills. In his spare time, he is an avid gardener and raises chickens!


Since 2009, it has been our mission to bring the gift of hope and healing to America’s sex trafficked kids. To accomplish this, we financially support safe housing, school tuition, tutoring, therapy, travel, medical/dental care and more. 

Wear your favorite cocktail attire and join us!

2nd of October 2022  |  5-8 pm

Canyon View Event Center ~ 680 Bollinger Canyon Way, San Ramon CA 94582


“Amber Speaks”


“Arial’s” Inspiration through Education