We have a growing problem in our world today of people being viewed and used as commodities. The UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol defines Human Trafficking as involving three aspects:

  1. Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons.

  2. Using threat, force, coercion, fraud, abduction and the like to gain control of another.

  3. Exploiting others through prostitution/sexual exploitation; forced labor, forced marriage, slavery or servitude, and removal of organs.


Our modern technology has made all of the above easier to accomplish than at any time in human history. The Global Slavery Index, published in 2018, puts the number of people enslaved today at 40.3 million. Modern slavery takes the form of forced labor, forced soldiering, forced marriage, and commercial sexual exploitation of adults and children. The United States is part of this global fabric of human exploitation.

40.3 million enslaved today

The Facts


We embrace this philosophy! New Day cannot save every victimized child and teen in our country who needs help. But we can work with one at a time...help them out of the life of sexual exploitation, begin to heal from their trauma, and get on a good path in life. Together, this is our response to the horrific issue of child sex trafficking.

We can make a difference.

Bring hope and healing to America’s sex trafficked children